Modifying a NetClient CS user’s access to Employee Self-Service administration

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NetClient CS users who have access to Employee Self-Service can view information about Employee Self-Service clients; change an Employee Self-Service users’ login, email address, password, or name; and view or delete Employee Self-Service users’ check stubs and W-2s. If your firm is licensed for Accounting CS Payroll, these NetClient CS users can also view or delete Employee Self-Service users’ Forms 1099-MISC/1099-NEC (for independent contractors).

To give a NetClient CS user access to Employee Self-Service administration, follow these steps.

  1. In the Admin tab of the navigation pane, click the Users link in the NetClient CS section.

    Note: If you don’t see this link, you don’t have access to this area.

  2. In the Users list, enter any part of the user’s name or login in the Find field to locate the user and click the user’s name. NetFirm CS displays the user’s information on the right.

    Delete the entry from the Find field to view the full list of NetClient CS users.

  3. In the Permissions section, click the Enable button for Employee Self-Service.

    The client names that appear in the Employee Self-Service dialog are pulled from the Accounting CS Payroll client database all clients for which your firm enabled Employee Self-Service.

  4. Mark the checkbox for each client company for which the current NetClient CS user needs to view information or for which the NetClient CS user needs to change Employee Self-Service users’ login, email address, password, or name or view, or delete check stubs or W-2s.
  5. Click Enter.

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Employee Self-Service administration

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