Digita NetClient modules

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The following table provides a brief description of each Digita NetClient module and links to topics that contain detailed information.

Module Description For more information, see
Document Presentation (free) Allows you to provide Digita NetClient users with secure, static PDF files of documents such as tax returns, financial statement, and payroll reports.

In addition, you can give Digita NetStaff users access to Digita NetClient users' Document presentation files.
Document Presentation administration
File Exchange (free) Enables Digita NetStaff users and Digita NetClient users to exchange files in a secure environment. File Exchange administration
Links (free) Enables your firm to provide links to useful websites to Digita NetClient users. Digita NetClient users can add their own links to the Links module. Links administration
News (free) Helps your firm communicate news to Digita NetClient users. News administration

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