Modifying a DT Client Portal group’s access to modules

You can assign DT Client Portal users to groups, and give the groups access to File Exchange folders, Links modules, and News modules.

Note: Your firm's primary DT Firm Portal administrator and DT Staff Portal users who have access to File Exchange and to the DT Client Portal administration screen can view files that are in DT Client Portal users' shared and personal File Exchange folders.

To modify a DT Client Portal group's access to modules, follow these steps.

  1. In the Admin tab of the navigation pane, click the Groups link in the DT Client Portal section.

    Note: If you don't see this link, you don't have access to this area.

  2. If you haven't already done so, add a DT Client Portal group.
  3. In the Groups list, enter any part of the group name in the Find field and click the group name. DT Firm Portal displays the group's information on the right.

    Tip: Delete the entry from the Find field to view the full list of groups.

  4. In the Permissions section, you can enable modules, disable modules, and modify module permissions. A permissions dialog opens when you click the Enable or Disable button. Click the name of a module below to learn about its permissions.

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