Copying data from one year to one or more years for a data-entry row

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You can use the Auto Copy feature to copy data across years and alternatives, provided the following two conditions exist:

  • Years must be listed in chronological order. If years are not in chronological order, choose View > Hide/Rearrange > Reverse Order of Years.
  • The cursor cannot be in the base year of a single base year plan. To use Auto Copy or Auto Increase from the base year of a single base year plan, first toggle out of the base year plan view by choosing View > Single Base Year.

To copy data:

  1. If want to add more years to your plan, add years using the Edit > Plan Years > Add command.
  2. Place the cursor in the field that includes the alternative, year, and data-entry row from which you want to copy data.

    Note: Planner CS copies data from the cursor's position to the right of the cursor.

  3. Where do you want to copy your data?
    • From one year to the same year in all alternatives: Choose Edit > Auto Copy > Same Year to copy the data in the selected data-entry field into the same year in all alternatives to the right of the cursor.
    • From one year to all years in the same alternative: Choose Edit > Auto Copy > Within Alternative to copy the data in the selected data-entry field into all years to the right of the cursor within the selected alternative.
    • From one year to all years in all alternatives: Choose Edit > Auto Copy > All Columns to copy the data in the selected data-entry field into the remaining data-entry fields in that row in all years and in all alternatives to the right of the cursor.

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