Printing a credit card payment receipt

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To print a receipt for an accepted credit card transaction payment from Practice CS, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to the transaction on the Receipts tab of the Receipt & Adjustments Entry screen.
  2. Right-click the Accepted icon Accepted icon with dark green circle and checkmark at the beginning of the transaction and choose Print Credit Card Receipt from the context menu.
  3. In the Print dialog, you can print the receipt to one or more of the following outputs:
    Output Print options
    Output to printer Mark this checkbox to send the receipt to the default printer for your workstation, or select a different printer from the drop-down list.
    Output to FileCabinet CS If you are licensed for FileCabinet CS, mark this checkbox to send the receipt to FileCabinet CS when you print, and then select the appropriate filing option (Current Year End, Current Period End, or Report Date). If the client does not yet have a folder set up in FileCabinet CS, Practice CS will create a folder with the same name as the client’s Practice CS client ID. 
    Output to GoFileRoom If you are licensed for GoFileRoom, mark this checkbox to send the receipt to GoFileRoom when you print. You must also choose a file format (*.pdf, *.rtf, *.txt, or *.xls) from the drop-down list.

    Note: Before you can print to GoFileRoom, you must map your GoFileRoom Indexes to fields in Practice CS.

    Output to file Print to a file (*.pdf, *.html, *.rtf, *.txt, *.tif, or *.xls) that is saved in the folder that you specify in the field provided.
    Output to
    Print the receipt as a specific file type, and then send the file to the client as an email attachment. The client whose email address is listed on the Contact Info tab of the Clients setup screen will receive the message. 

To view an example of a printed receipt, click here.

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