Setting up firm billing and A/R options

Your firm administrator and other staff members with security permission to make firm-wide setup decisions can choose your firm’s options for billing and accounts receivable functions.

  1. Choose Setup > Firm and click the Billing and A/R tab.
  2. Default invoice format for new clients: Choose a default format from the drop-down list.

    Note: To create invoice formats, choose Setup > Custom Formats.

  3. In the Number of days until invoice is due field, enter the appropriate number of days. When you enter a number in this field, the application will automatically complete the Due Date field for you in billing.
  4. Enable default invoice reference number: To have Digita Practice Advanced generate invoice reference numbers based on criteria you specify, mark this checkbox and click the More Ellipse button to open the Default Invoice Reference Number dialog.
  5. Invoice e-mail message: To compose a message to accompany invoices that you send as e-mail attachments, click the More Ellipse button to open the Invoice E-mail Message dialog.
  6. Use separate invoice numbering sequence for zero amounts: Mark this checkbox if you want invoices with zero amounts to have their own numbering sequence.


    • With this checkbox marked, invoices with zero amounts will automatically be put in the Zero Number sequence.
    • Invoices with amounts other than zero cannot be placed in the Zero Number sequence.
  7. Automatically Relieve Nonbillable WIP: Mark this checkbox to relieve nonbillable WIP automatically along with billable WIP. In Detail Billing, all nonbillable time and expenses on the Nonbillable tab of the Billing screen are automatically marked for relief when this checkbox is marked. In Quick Bill Selected, Standard Bill Selected, and Zero Bill selected, all nonbillable time and expenses through the invoice date are automatically relieved.
  8. Enable printing invoices to Digita NetClient: If you are licensed for Digita NetClient, mark this checkbox if you want to print invoices to Digita NetClient.
  9. Default statement format for new clients: Choose a default format from the drop-down list.

    Note: To create statement formats, choose Setup > Custom Formats.

  10. Statement e-mail message: To compose a message to accompany statements that you send as e-mail attachments, click the More Ellipse button to open the Statement E-mail Message dialog.
  11. If your firm assesses service charges, mark the Assess Service Charges, use rate checkbox. If you mark this checkbox, you must choose a rate from the drop-down list.

    Note: To add service charge rates, choose Setup > Service Charges or right-click in the drop-down list and choose Add Service Charge from the context menu. You must have security rights to add service charges.

  12. In the Dunning messages fields, you can enter up to five different messages to clients concerning their past due balances. The message that appears on a client’s statement depends on the age (in periods) of the past due balance.
  13. In the A/R Terms field, enter a statement to appear at the bottom of client statements and invoices specifying any relevant terms.

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Firm setup overview

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