Setting up engagement category groupings

Note: The Engagement Categories screen is a user-defined terminology screen. Your firm may refer to the screen by a different name. You can view the default names for user-defined items by choosing Help > Enable Default Terminology (or by pressing CTRL+Shift+H).

For an overview of groupings and strategies for implementing them, see the Grouping setup overview.

Your firm may wish to track the work it performs through a series of engagements. For example, you might add a 1040 engagement to a client and assign Tax as the engagement category, or you could add a Payroll engagement with an Accounting engagement category.

In addition to engagements, you have the option of classifying work by activity categories and specific activities. It is vitally important that you take great care in deciding how to implement a structure of engagements, activity categories, and/or activities, so that you can make the best use of the application’s reporting capabilities. For more information on these subjects, see the "Setting Up Digita Practice Advanced" chapter of the Digita Practice Advanced Getting Started guide.

The items you add in this screen are available for selection in the Clients setup screen > Engagements tab.

To add a new engagement category grouping:

  1. Choose Setup > Groupings > Clients > Engagement Categories.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Enter an ID for the engagement category in the ID field.
  4. Enter a short description for the engagement category in the Description field.
  5. Use the Invoice description field to enter a description that will be available for inclusion on invoices and reports.

    Note: To insert a variable date that will update automatically, position the cursor where you want the date to appear and click the Insert Variable Date Calendar button. In the Insert Variable Date dialog, select a date, choose a date format, and click OK. The variable appears between brackets, but will display properly in the comment field.

  6. Click Enter to save your changes.
Note: You can also add, edit, or delete groupings on the fly by right-clicking in a field tied to a list of groupings.

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