Exporting remote entry data

Use the Export Remote Entry Data screen to export data to an XML file, which you can then provide to someone working remotely who cannot connect to your network.

To use exported remote entry data, the remote employee must have Digita Practice Advanced installed on a laptop or other computer and import the exported data. The employee will then be able to perform various tasks, such as entering time and expenses, using the data that you exported for the employee. A typical scenario would involve the export of data for clients that the employee handles. The employee would be able to enter time transactions, accessing the clients' engagements and other information in much the same way as she would in the office, and send the data electronically to the office.

To access the Export Remote Entry Data screen, choose File > Export > Remote Entry Data.

The first step in exporting remote entry data is to select the clients whose information you want to export. You may want to filter the client list to more easily find the appropriate clients. For example, if the remote employee is the associate responsible for certain clients, you could filter the client list by associate, using the Single method and selecting the associate.

  1. In the Export Remote Entry Data screen, mark the checkbox next to each client you want to export.
  2. Click the More More button button next to the Export to Remote Entry data file field and navigate to the location where you would like to export the remote data entry file.

    Note: If you're running Digita Practice Advanced through Digita Virtual Office, you can navigate to files on your local network.

  3. Enter a name for the file, which will have an .XML file extension, and click Save.
  4. On the Export Remote Entry Data screen, click the Export Selected button to save the XML file to the specified location.
  5. Provide the XML file to the remote employee, either by attaching it to an email message or by other means.

For information on importing the exported data, see Importing remote entry data.

Related topic: Remote Entry overview

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