Remote Entry overview

Digita Practice Advanced includes a Remote Entry feature that enables you to enter time and expenses on your laptop when you are away from the office, and transmit those entries back to the office over the internet.

To take advantage of Remote Entry, you must allow Remote Entry to be enabled for your staff. This should be done during the installation of a new version of the application or an update to the database server, but can be done at any time.

Your staff will have the option to enable Remote Entry on their computers during the desktop installation.

Note: Remote Entry can also be used by a remote employee who is rarely, if ever, in the office. In such a case, the employee would install the full version of Digita Practice Advanced and import a Remote Entry data file sent by you via email or other means. For more information, see Exporting remote entry data and Importing remote entry data.

The following links provide an overview of the Remote Entry process.

  1. Allowing Remote Entry for your firm
  2. Enabling Remote Entry on your laptop
  3. Creating a Remote Entry firm database
  4. Entering time and expense transactions remotely
  5. Transmitting remotely entered transactions
  6. Accepting remotely entered time and expense transactions
  7. Updating a Remote Entry firm database

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