Finding existing portals for contacts or staff

Because portals in Digita NetFirm can be created from other Digita Professional Suite applications, you may want to search for an existing portal associated with a contact before creating a new portal. Use the Find Portal dialog to perform this search.

To open the Find Portal dialog, do one of the following:

  • Click the Find button next to the Portal field on the Contact Info tab of the Clients, Staff, or Offices setup screen.

    Note: You can find portals for clients, staff, offices, or standalone contacts on the appropriate setup screen or on the Contacts tab of the Manage Clients screen.

  • Click the Send button on the Send Files dialog for a transfer to a contact with no associated portal, then click the Help me find and use an existing portal button.
  • Click the Send button on the Request Files dialog for a request to be sent to a contact with no associated portal, then click the Help me find and use an existing portal button.

On the Find Portal dialog, you can search and use filters to narrow the list of portals, and you can click column headers to sort the list. Mark the Show Expired Portals checkbox to include inactive portals in the list.

Note: The list of results may be limited due to excessive length. Click the Get More Items button to see more results.

If you find a portal that matches the contact, click the Select button to associate the portal with the contact in Digita Practice Advanced. If you do not find a portal that matches the contact, click the Actions button and choose Add Portal from the drop-down list to add a new portal. See the following topics for more information on adding portals:

Related topic: File transfers overview

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