Adding portals for staff and offices

If your firm is licensed for the Client Management module and Digita NetFirm, you can set up web-based portals that allow your staff members to share documents and other information with contacts securely over the internet.

Staff portals are permanent portals associated with members of your firm’s staff. You can also create a portal for your firm as a whole, or a portal for each of your firm’s offices.

Adding portals for staff

To set up a portal for a staff member, an office, or your firm, follow these steps.

  1. Open the Contact Info tab for the type of contact whose portal you want to create.
    • For staff members, choose Setup > Staff and click the Contact Info tab.
    • For an office, choose Setup > Offices and click the Contact Info tab.
    • For your firm, choose Setup > Firm and click the Contact Info tab.
  2. Enter (or verify) an email address for the staff member, office, or firm in the E-mail field.

    Valid email addresses are required for all portals.

  3. If you think there may already be an active portal for the staff member, office, or firm, click the Find button next to the Portal field to search existing portals for a match. If a matching portal is found, select it to associate the portal with the staff member, office, or firm in Digita Practice Advanced.
  4. If you want to create a new portal, click the Actions button and choose Add Portal from the drop-down list.
  5. In the dialog that opens, click Add a portal for Digita NetStaff. This immediately creates a new portal for the staff member, office, or firm. An email message is sent to the specified address with instructions for registering the new portal and logging in.

    Note: To see more information about the portal you are about to create, click the Show details link at the bottom left.

The portal registration process requires a staff member to click a link in the email message received after portal creation, thereby verifying both identity and email address. As part of the process, the staff member who registers the portal can choose a login name and password.

Related topics

Portals in Digita NetClient for clients and standalone contacts

File transfers overview

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