Office setup overview

Use the Offices setup screen to enter information for each of your firm’s offices. The office records you create can be used to filter client and employee information by office when searching and reporting.

Note: The Offices screen is a user-defined terminology screen. Your firm may refer to it by a different name. You can view the default names for user-defined items by choosing Help > Enable Default Terminology (or by pressing CTRL+Shift+H).

To open the Offices setup dialog, choose Setup > Offices.

Offices selection list

Click an item in the Offices selection list or type the name in the Search field to go to that office’s record.


  • To narrow down the list of offices, choose a filter from the drop-down list in the Filter field or click the More Ellipse button and choose filter criteria in the Office Filters dialog. See Filtering your data for more information.
  • To move the Offices selection list to a different part of your screen, choose View > List Pane and then Left, Right, Top, or Bottom.


Use this tab to enter an ID and description for each office, and to indicate whether an office is the home office.

Contact Info

Use this tab to enter contact information for an office, including the name and title of the contact, plus address and phone information. You can also set up portals in Digita NetStaff, add contacts to various categories, and add an unlimited number of additional contacts.

Custom Fields

The Custom Fields tab contains all of the custom fields you have created for the Offices setup form. Examples might include the date the office opened, the number of employees at the office, office capacity, or the nearest cross streets.

The data entry fields for text, list, staff list and numeric type custom fields can hold up to 30 characters. Custom fields for dates have a drop-down calendar. Numeric custom fields have a drop-down calculator.

Related topics

Setting up offices

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