Scheduling a meeting

If your firm is licensed for the Staff Management module, you can use Digita Practice Advanced to schedule meetings among firm staff.

Note: To schedule meetings, staff must have add and edit security privileges for Schedule Items.

To schedule a meeting, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Add button on the main toolbar and select Meeting from the drop-down list.
  2. In the Meeting dialog, enter a description of the meeting in the Description field.
  3. If applicable, choose a client in the Client field. If no particular client is to be the subject of the meeting, leave this field blank.
  4. If you chose a client in the previous step, you can choose an engagement in the Engagement field. Otherwise this field is inaccessible.
  5. If applicable, make a selection in the Activity field.
  6. Use the Priority field to indicate whether the meeting is of low, normal, or high priority.
  7. In the Dates / Time section, enter the beginning and ending dates and times for the meeting. If the meeting is an all-day event, mark the All day event checkbox.
  8. If this is to be a recurring meeting, click the Refresh button button to open the Recurrence dialog, where you can set up the meeting frequency and dates.
  9. Click the More Ellipse button next to the Staff field and choose which staff members to invite to the meeting.

    Note: You can also click the Schedule button and drag and drop the meeting onto staff members' calendars to invite them to the meeting.

  10. If you want to set a reminder for the meeting, mark the Reminder checkbox and select the desired reminder time from the drop-down list.
  11. If you want to include additional information about the meeting, add it in the Notes field.
  12. Click the Schedule button to open the Scheduling dialog, where you can verify the availability of all invited staff members. You can also click and drag the meeting within the Scheduling dialog to reschedule it, change its length, and add or remove invitees.
  13. Click OK when finished.

The meeting is added to the schedule for all attendees, and can be viewed on their calendars and in the Schedule portlet on the Staff Dashboard.

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