Scheduling a phone call

If your firm is licensed for the Staff Management module, you can schedule phone calls with clients or other contacts.

Note: To schedule phone calls, staff must have add and edit security privileges for Schedule Items.

To schedule a phone call, follow these steps.

  1. Click the down arrow next to the Add button on the main toolbar and select Scheduled Phone Call from the drop-down list.
  2. In the Scheduled Phone Call dialog, enter a description of the call in the Description field.
  3. In the With Contact field, select the contact to whom the call will be placed.
  4. In the Of field, select the client with whom the contact is affiliated, if applicable.
  5. In the Priority field, indicate whether the call is of low, normal, or high priority.
  6. In the Status field, indicate whether the call has been scheduled, attempted, or completed. The default value is Scheduled.
  7. In the Dates section, select the start and end times for the call.
  8. If this is to be a recurring scheduled phone call, click the Refresh button to open the Recurrence dialog, where you can set up the frequency and dates.
  9. Select a filter in the Staff qualifications field, or click the More Ellipse button next to the field and add or select a filter.


    • If you want to assign the call to a specific staff member, you can leave the Staff qualifications field blank.
    • If you add this call to the work queue but leave the Staff qualifications field blank, it will be available to any staff member.
  10. Do one of the following:
    • To assign the call to one or more staff members, click the Staff option and then click the More Ellipse button next to the Staff field. Use the Assigned Staff dialog to make the assignment.
    • If you want to add the call to the work queue instead of assigning it, click the Work queue option. The call will appear in the queue for staff who meet the qualifications you chose.
  11. If you want to set a reminder for the call, mark the Reminder checkbox and select the desired reminder time from the drop-down list.
  12. If you want to include more information about the call, enter it in the Notes field.
  13. Click the Schedule button if you want to verify the availability of the assigned staff member.
  14. Click OK when finished.

The scheduled phone call is added to the schedule for the assigned staff member or added to the work queue.

Note: If your firm is licensed for the Client Management module, you can click the Call Now button on the Scheduled Phone Call dialog to open a Phone Call dialog to track the phone call. This also opens a timer for the call, if you have set your user preferences to start a timer for phone calls.

Related topics

Adding links

Adding custom fields

Adding a schedule item to a staff calendar

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