File transfer status

DT Practice shows the status of file transfers-related events in the File Transfers portlet, as well as the File Transfers tab on the Manage Clients screen.

Status is tracked for three types of file transfers-related information.

  • File transfer status — Tracks events related to the overall file transfer transaction.
  • File status — Tracks events pertaining to files that made up the file transfer
  • Signature status — Tracks events related to electronic signing of transferred files

File transfer status

These statuses pertain to the overall file transfer and all of its requirements. The file transfer status is shown in the Status field in the top pane of the File Transfers portlet or tab.

  • Waiting for Files — A document request has been sent to a portal but the requested files have not yet been uploaded and the contact has not yet clicked the Complete File Transfer button in the portal
  • Ready for Download — The file transfer has been sent to the portal and all files are available, but additional requirements for completion are pending
  • Complete — All file transfer requirements have been completed successfully
  • Expired — The file transfer expired before all requirements could be completed
  • Canceled — The file transfer was canceled before its completion

File status

These statuses pertain to files being transferred. Click the Plus sign icon to expand the selected item in the top pane of the portlet or tab. The file status is shown in the Status field in the expanded section.

  • Uploaded — The file has been uploaded to a portal
  • Ready for Download — The file is uploaded but the recipient has not yet downloaded it from the portal
  • Downloaded — The recipient downloaded the file at least once
  • Expired — The recipient failed to download the file before the file transfer expired.
  • Canceled — The file was removed before it could be downloaded

Signature status

These statuses pertain to signature requirements. Click the Plus sign icon to expand the selected item in the top pane of the portlet or tab. The signature status is shown in the Signature Status field in the expanded section.

  • No Signature Required — The sender of the file did not choose to require a signature
  • Waiting for Signature — A signature is required but the recipient has not responded to the signature requirement
  • Rejected — The recipient declined to sign the file electronically
  • Signed — The recipient signed the file electronically
  • Canceled — The file was removed before it could be signed

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