Assignments tab overview

The Assignments tab is designed for managers to assign, order, and loosely schedule work for their staff. This tab can be useful when you want to do the following:

  • See which schedule items are already assigned to staff members
  • See a summary of assigned hours for each staff member and then drill down to see the actual schedule items
  • Indicate in which order you want your staff to work on assigned schedule items
  • Balance assignments across your staff
  • See how many scheduled hours each staff person has over a particular time frame

Depending on your workflow, your firm may need to use this tab for only some of these activities.

Schedule Items pane

This pane shows all schedule items for the date range you select. The Schedule Items and Urgent subtabs list all of the schedule items within your selected date range and other criteria. By default, the selected date is today’s date until you change it.


  • The Urgent tab appears only if you have enabled it in User Preferences.
  • Click the Pin button to show or hide the Schedule Items pane. You can also right-click the Schedule Items heading and choose Auto Hide from the context menu.
  • Double-click the Schedule Items heading to dock or undock the pane and move it to another part of the screen or to a second monitor. You can also right-click the heading and choose Floating from the context menu to dock or undock the pane.


The staff section of the tab shows selected staff members and their current assignments, with a variety of viewing and filtering options. You can choose to see all current staff assignments regardless of date range, or limit the assignments to target date range or scheduled date range.

Note: The All and Target Date Range options do not include any scheduled dates; these views are meant for assigning and ordering work items.

You can also view staff assignments in either Tiles or Grid mode. Click the View button at the top of the tab and choose Grid or Tiles from the drop-down list to select a view.

You can right-click the staff section in both Tiles and Grid mode and choose Options from the context menu commands to arrange the screen to suit your needs.

Menu command Purpose
Infotip Specify how you want the Infotip to appear: Instant, Short Delay, Long Delay, or None.
Note: This command is available on all three scheduling tabs.
Increase Panel Width / Decrease Panel Width Change the tile width
Maximum Large Tiles Specify the number of maximized tiles (1-4) that can be displayed at one time. Click the Maximize button in the upper-right corner of a tile to maximize that tile.
Maximum Tile Rows Specify the number of rows of tiles (1-4) that can be displayed at one time.
Large Tile Position Specify where a tile should appear (Left, Right, Top, Bottom) when you maximize it.
Tile Animation Choose Enable or Disable. Controls whether tiles snap immediately to a new size or position or move gradually when you drag and drop or resize them.

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