CS Professional Suite®

Help & How-To Center

Inserting your company logo into client handouts

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Product support for ToolBox CS ended on October 31, 2022.

Help & How-To Center content for ToolBox CS may be outdated and is used at your own risk.

Follow these steps to have your company logo appear in client handouts.

  1. Create or obtain an image file of your company's logo in one of the following image types: jpg or png.
  2. Name the image file FirmLogo (not case-sensitive).
  3. Place the image file at C:\Users\<useraccount>\AppData\Local\Creative Solutions\ToolBox CS\Forms\FirmInformation.
  4. Close the application and reopen it, and then open a client handout to view your company's logo.

For Virtual Office CS / Software as a Service users

If you do not have Microsoft Office, your image file will need to be uploaded to your Y:\ToolBox CSData\Forms\FirmInformation folder. For assistance, please call Support and press 2, 1, 4.

If you do have Microsoft Office, you can upload your image file using Microsoft Word.

  1. Open Microsoft Word on Virtual Office and click File > Open.
  2. Click the My Local Drives button on the left and change the Files Of Type in the lower right to All Files.
  3. Navigate to the location on your local drive where the image file is stored. (Your local drive will be listed as C$ on Client V).
  4. Highlight the file and press CTRL+C to copy it.
  5. Click Computer on the left.
  6. Double click to open the Y drive. (This will be listed as Wincsi on (\\EG-XXXXX...etc).)
  7. Double click the ToolBox CSData folder and then navigate to Forms\FirmInformation.
  8. In the FirmInformation folder, press CTRL+V to paste your file.
  9. Close and re-open ToolBox CS so that it can find the image.

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