Screen ELF - Electronic Filing (5500)

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New (tax) year, new help!

Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

General Information

Website Signer Designation

Email address to receive web signature email

Enter the email address of the person to receive the web signature email if different from the preparer email address.

Direct Signer Designation

Plan administrator: User ID

Once you enter the User ID and move the cursor to another field, the data in the field displays as asterisks to ensure that it is not shared with anyone other than the signer.

Plan administrator: Personal identification number (PIN)

Once you enter the User ID and move the cursor to another field, the data in the field displays as asterisks to ensure that it is not shared with anyone other than the signer.

Employer / Plan Sponsor: User ID

Once you enter the User ID and move the cursor to another field, the data in the field displays as asterisks to ensure that it is not shared with anyone other than the signer.

Employer / Plan Sponsor: Personal identification number (PIN)

Once you enter the User ID and move the cursor to another field, the data in the field displays as asterisks to ensure that it is not shared with anyone other than the signer.

Direct Filing Entity (DFE): User ID

Once you enter the User ID and move the cursor to another field, the data in the field displays as asterisks to ensure that it is not shared with anyone other than the signer.

Direct Filing Entity (DFE): Personal identification number (PIN)

Once you enter the User ID and move the cursor to another field, the data in the field displays as asterisks to ensure that it is not shared with anyone other than the signer.

E-Signature: User ID

Once you enter the EFAST User ID and move the cursor to another field, the data in the field displays as asterisks to ensure that it is not shared with anyone other than the signer.

E-Signature: Personal identification number

Once you enter the EFAST PIN and move the cursor to another field, the data in the field displays as asterisks to ensure that it is not shared with anyone other than the signer.

Individual signing for E-Signature

Efiling purposes only.

Service Provider Designation

The Department of Labor (DOL) has authorized that under specific rules, a plan service provider who manages the annual filing of Form 5500 / 5500-SF may sign on behalf of the plan administrator.

Service Provider

Enter the name of the person physically signing the Form 5500 copy that you submit with the electronic file in the Individual signing for plan administrator field on Screen Admin.

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