1120-US: Tracking all elections taken by clients in current and prior year (FAQ)

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How can I track all elections taken by clients in current and prior tax years?


The Election history statements in UltraTax/1120 can be used to record the details of the elections taken in the prior years. UltraTax CS proformas the information for the current-year elections in addition to the information entered in the Election history statements. Each statement contains the following fields.

  • Description – Enter a description of the election taken.
  • Tax Year – Enter the tax year the election was taken.
  • Effective Period - Enter the election’s effective period. Some elections are made annually, while others are only made once.
  • Comments – Enter any additional information about the election.

The Election history statements are in the following input screens.

Folder Screen
Farm F
Farm Rental 4835
Elections* Elect*

* The Election history statement in Screen Elect is used to track non-activity based elections.

Enter X in the Print election report field in Screen Elect to print a report of the current-year elections and the information contained in all Election history statements.

Related topic: Tax elections FAQs

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