Screen INExt - Indiana Extension (1040)

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Extension Information

Use this section to calculate Form IT-9 and extend the due date of the return. If 90 percent of the tax has been paid by the original due date, Indiana still accepts Form IT-9 or federal Form 4868.

Calculate extension

Enter X to calculate a balance due with extension.

Extended due date

If an extension is printed by choosing File > Print Extensions, or an entry is made in the Calculate extension field, the extended due date automatically appears in this field. Otherwise, the date you enter is used as the extended due date in the filing instructions and when calculating late filing penalties.

Extension payment actually made; reportable on main return

Each time you print the extension, the extension payment amount calculates and enters the amount in this field, and prints this amount on the main return. It does not print on the extension.

Balance due on extension (Force)

When you enter an amount in this field, the amount of total tax calculates using the estimated payments and withholding entered, marks the Calculate extension field, completes the Extended due date field, copies this amount to the Extension payment actually made; reportable on main return field.

County estimates paid for 2018

The estimated 2018 county income tax calculated in the prior year proformas to these fields. The taxpayer and spouse county tax on Form IT-9 calculate based on these amounts.

County tax due (Force)

The total extension payment amount calculates based on state income tax liability, taxpayer and spouse county tax liability, and any related withholding or estimates already paid toward the current year liabilities.

Additional payment

Enter the payment amount and the date of the payment. This information is used in the calculation of late filing payment penalties and interest, if applicable.

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