Screen ELF - Electronic Filing (1120)

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Use this screen to file the return electronically.

General Information

Enter X to electronically file this return. Only Forms 1120 (including consolidated returns), 1120-F and 1120-S (including Qualified Sub-Chapter S Corporation returns) can be electronically filed.

Proforma Note: If you do not want to proforma this information, clear the File this return electronically checkbox in the Setup > 1120 Corporation > Other Return Options > Proforma tab.

Enter electronic filing configuration information before you create the electronic file. To enter this information, choose Setup > Office Configuration and click the E-Filing tab.

Enter the date the return is electronically signed by an officer of the corporation. 

Enter the date the return is electronically signed by the ERO. This does not get included in the electronic file, but the application uses this date to complete the date signed by the ERO on Form 8453-C/I/S or 8879-C/I/S. This will default to the date you entered in the Signature date field if left blank.

Electronically filed federal returns include information from this field as well as information from the General footnote field in Screen 1120 in the electronic file.

Note: Preparer notes are used to provide additional voluntary information related to the tax return.

Enter the amount of time (in minutes) that you worked on the return outside of UltraTax CS. This gets added to the time within the software, which is automatically tracked. If the state taxing agency requires it, the total time spent will be included in the electronic file. At this time, the IRS does not require this information for corporate tax returns.

Note: Preparer notes are used to provide additional voluntary information related to the tax return.

Enter 1 to send an email notification to your client when their electronically filed return has been accepted. For more information, see Configuring email notifications when electronically filed returns are accepted. When you electronically file FinCEN Form 114 and the form is accepted, a separate notice is sent via email to your client.

Enter X if Form 8453 or 8879 has already been signed by an authorized officer of the corporation and returned to the firm. If this field is marked, Form 8453 or 8879 will not print and the filing instructions will print a segment stating the form has already been signed and returned and no further action is required.

See General and form-related guidelines for 1120 electronic filing; specifically the Name control field information expando.

Personal Identification Number (PIN) Information

Use this section if you are using the Practitioner PIN option to sign the return electronically. This will generate Form 8879-C, 8879-I, or 8879-S. Leave this section blank if using the scanned Form 8453 signature option. For information, see Electronic Filing: How do I sign a return that is being filed electronically?. For information on how to attach Form 8453 electronically, see How do I attach a PDF document to the electronic file.

This field is required only if you use the Practitioner Personal Identification Number (PIN) option to electronically sign the return. Enter the appropriate indicator to designate who entered the taxpayer's PIN. Leave this field blank if the taxpayer is entering their PIN.

Enter X in this field to print the return with Form 8879-C, 8879-I, or 8879-S, IRS e-file Signature Authorization form, and the PIN information in the filing instructions prior to creating the electronic file. This field will allow you to print these forms without completing the PIN information or the Signature date field.

Extension Information

See also

Note: Signature date, Taxpayer PIN, and ERO PIN are mandatory fields if you are using electronic funds withdrawal. The Practitioner PIN option is the only method available to sign the extension electronically. The scanned Form 8453 option is not available for extensions. If no balance is due with the extension or you are not using electronic funds withdrawal, then you do not need to complete these fields.

Enter X in this field if you intend to file Form 7004 electronically. Form 7004 can be electronically filed for any corporate return even if the return cannot be electronically filed.

Note: For extensions with electronic funds withdrawal (direct debit), complete the PIN information in this screen as well as the bank information in Screen Bank, located in the General folder.

Enter the appropriate indicator to designate who entered the taxpayer's PIN. Leave this field blank if the taxpayer is entering their PIN.

Enter X if Form 8878-A has already been signed by an authorized officer of the corporation and returned to the firm. If this field is marked, Form 8878-A will not print and the filing instructions print a segment stating the form has already been signed and returned and no further action is required.

Estimate Information

See Electronically filing 1120 estimates.

Tip: For details about other input screens and the corresponding guidelines for creating IRS-acceptable electronic files, see the following topics.

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