Excel export / import guidelines for beneficiary information (1041)

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Consider the following guidelines when modifying the Microsoft Excel workbook data you want to import into UltraTax CS.

  • Always start by exporting beneficiary information spreadsheet data into Excel. Though we highly recommend it, you do not need to enter all of the data into the Beneficiary Information spreadsheet (in the Beneficiary Information window) before you export the spreadsheet into Excel.
  • Always save the Excel workbook before importing the data to ensure all changes are imported. 
  • Subsequently created export / import spreadsheets will always overwrite any previously created spreadsheets by the same name.
  • You can export beneficiary client data and allocation information from one client to an Excel workbook, and then subsequently import that data from Excel into a different client.
  • For the purpose of importing data into UltraTax CS from Excel, UltraTax CS assumes you have not modified the order of the Excel worksheets in the workbook. The worksheets are imported in the order in which they were initially exported to Excel, which is as follows:
    1. 1041 Beneficiary Information
    2. Federal
    3. Special Allocations
    4. Partial Grantor
  • You can insert or delete rows in the workbook. You must, however, maintain consistency within the workbook. Therefore, you must insert or delete rows in all three worksheets in the identical location.
  • You cannot change row height and column width.
  • You cannot insert or delete columns in the 1041 spreadsheet worksheet.
  • You can enter a maximum of 3500 beneficiaries in the 1041 Beneficiary Information worksheet. If more than 3500 beneficiaries are entered, only the first 3500 beneficiaries will be.
  • You should enter percentages in the following format: xx.xxxxxx. For example, if a beneficiary was allocated 28.5685 percent, you would enter the percentage as 28.5685.
Column Entry

xxx-xx-xxxx = Social Security Number

xx-xxxxxxx = Employer Identification Number

A = Applied For

D = Died

M = Amish

Note: If a ten-digit number is entered without dashes, the number will be formatted as a Social Security number when imported.

Email address Enter full email address
Phone number


Note: If a ten-digit number is entered without dashes, the number will be formatted as a telephone number when imported.

Suppress print of K-1 X
Partial grantor beneficiary


Note: Select only one beneficiary as the partial grantor beneficiary.

1040 Client X
Letter in Spanish X

Note: If you are not going to import the Excel file, you can make modifications to the file in accordance with Microsoft's Excel guidelines.

Related topic: Excel Export / Import utility for beneficiary information overview (1041)

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