Annualization spreadsheet (1065)

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Use the Annualization spreadsheet to enter information for each period of ownership. UltraTax CS uses this information to determine the partners' distributive shares of each item. The spreadsheet consists of one tab each for the federal return and any state or city attached to the client.

To open the Annualization spreadsheet, choose View > Interim Closing Annualization with a 1065 client open.


  • You must enter the different ownership periods in the Changes of Ownership window in Partner Data Entry before you can enter annualization information. UltraTax CS uses these ownership periods to determine which columns appear in the Annualization spreadsheet.
  • UltraTax CS uses data entry from the federal and state input screens to determine the rows in the Annualization spreadsheet. If there are no items to be annualized, UltraTax CS displays "There are no items to annualize at this time."
  • Once information is entered for any item in the Annualization spreadsheet, UltraTax CS distributes all partners' distributive shares using the interim closing of partnership books method. If there is no entry for an item in the Annualization spreadsheet, UltraTax CS defaults the entire amount to the last period of ownership.

Spreadsheet columns

  • Description: This column lists a row for each item that can be distributed to partners. If there are no items that can be distributed to partners, no items will appear in the tab.

    Note: By default, only items with an amount are displayed. To display a row for all items that can be distributed to partners, choose Annualization > Display All Items. Choose Annualization > Display All Items again to return to the default presentation.

  • Total: This column displays the entire year amount to be annualized. Information for this column transfers from federal or state input screen data entry.
  • Dated columns: Enter the amount allocated to each period of ownership for each item to be distributed. UltraTax CS builds the columns based on the ownership periods entered in the Changes of Ownership window in Partner Data Entry.

    Note: UltraTax CS automatically calculates the amounts for the last period of ownership by subtracting amounts entered in the other periods of ownership from the amount in the Total column.

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