Attaching notes to partners in Partner Data Entry

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You can attach a note to a partner in any window in Partner Data Entry. For example, you may want to ask the reviewer a question about an entry. A musical note field note symbol in the note column indicates an attached note.

You can add one note for each partner, and you can display the note symbols in different colors. For example, notes in red might indicate questions to the reviewer, and notes in green might indicate follow-up items for you.

  1. Choose File > Open Client to open the desired partnership return.
  2. Choose View > Partner Information to open Partner Data Entry.
  3. Click the desired partner in any Partner Data Entry window.
  4. Choose Edit > Note > Add/Edit Note, click the Edit Note Edit Note button button in the toolbar, or click the Note Edit Note button button in the partner list to open the Field Note/Tick dialog.
  5. Enter the desired information in the Field Note/Tick dialog.
  6. To change the color of the note symbol, click the appropriate color option.
  7. Click OK.


  • Notes and note symbols do not print on the partner information reports.
  • To view an attached note, click the Note button in the partner list.
  • To delete a note, click the partner's name in the partner list, and choose Edit > Note > Delete Note.
  • To delete all partner notes, choose Edit > Note > Delete All Partner Notes.

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