Denying other applications access to UltraTax CS client data

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If you use Data Mining, this feature accesses your UltraTax CS client data when performing searches. Similarly, UltraTax CS can write invoice information to Practice CS if you purchased a license for it and have it installed. Also, if licensed, you can use FileCabinet CS to store copies of your documents for records or later use.

If desired, you can deny access to UltraTax CS client data when using Data Mining, Practice CS, or FileCabinet CS.

  1. In the File > New Client or File > Client Properties dialog, click the Advanced Properties button.
  2. If your security configuration requires it, enter the master password and click the Continue button to enable the fields in this tab.
  3. If desired, mark any or all of the following checkboxes:
    • Deny Data Mining access to client data
    • Deny FileCabinet CS access to client data
    • Deny CS Practice products access to client data
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click OK again to close the New Client or Client Properties dialog.
  • To return to the default setting and allow these applications to access this client's data, return to the Advanced Properties dialog and clear the appropriate checkboxes.
  • You can use the Exempt this client from all Data Sharing functionality or Deny others Data Sharing access to the client data checkboxes to change how the open client's data is affected by the Data Sharing feature.

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