Storing UltraTax CS documents

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Use any of the following methods to store images of UltraTax CS documents and information. Note that you must be separately licensed for FileCabinet CS and GoFileRoom.

FileCabinet CS

You can send most UltraTax CS client-related documents, such as images of returns, extensions, and organizer pages to FileCabinet CS for storage.

Note: If you are not licensed for FileCabinet CS, you can use File Drawer for limited document storage.

File Drawer

File Drawer is an electronic storage feature that is installed automatically with UltraTax CS if neither FileCabinet CS nor GoFileRoom is licensed and installed. File Drawer stores images of UltraTax CS returns, extensions, and input screens and you can click the Drawer button in the folders block to view them. See Printing documents to File Drawer for more information.


GoFileRoom is a web-based document management application that enables you to store, view, edit, and manage documents online. GoFileRoom integrates with Thomson Reuters applications, including UltraTax CS. Images of tax returns, extensions, and input screens can be stored in and accessed from GoFileRoom. See Sending documents to GoFileRoom for more information.

Note: If you are not licensed for GoFileRoom, you can use File Drawer for document storage.


Onvio Firm Management is cloud-based software that includes Onvio Documents and Onvio Client Center. You can store preparer documents in Onvio Documents, and client returns in Onvio Client Center. See Uploading tax returns, organizer questionnaires, and other items to Onvio for more information.

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