Tracking and retrieving eSignature documents

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After sending eSignature documents to your clients with a client organizer or a business organizer or with the client's tax return, you can do the following:

  • Track eSignature progress via the eSignature Status Live section of the UltraTax CS Home Page
  • Retrieve updated eSignatures via CS Connect
  • Review Form 8879 eSignature status via the ELF Status dialog

Tracking eSignature documents

To check the status of an eSignature document that you've sent to a client, go to the Home Page house and select the eSignature Status Live link. Here you can review a list of all eSignature documents your office transmitted. This list includes:

  • The client ID
  • Name
  • The person who transmitted the eSignature
  • The entity type
  • The document type (organizer, return, etc.)
  • The transmission date
  • The current status of each document at the Thomson Reuters data center.

If you're licensed for both Onvio and NetClient, the eSignature Live page will show eSignatures from both locations. If you're not seeing eSignatures from both locations, hit [Refresh]. If you're prompted to log in to Onvio, do so. You'll need to be logged in to Onvio to see those eSignatures.  


  • You can sort the list by clicking the column headings. For example, to view all eSignature documents transmitted by a specific person, click the Originator column heading.
  • Use the search fields under each column heading to search the list for a keyword within that column. For example, to find a particular client in the list, enter the client's name in the search field under the Name heading. 
  • Use the drop-down menus at the top of the ProductType, and Status at Thomson Reuters data center columns to filter the list.

Recall an eSignature

To recall a document transmitted for eSignature, click the [Revoke] link next to the desired document in the Status at Thomson Reuters data center column of the eSignature Live page.

This link is available only when the status of a document is "Electronic Signature Sent." Once a client has signed or declined to sign that document, you can no longer recall that document.

There is no fee for revoking eSignature document, and you will not be charged for transmission if you successfully revoke a document.

Retrieving eSigned documents via CS Connect

After a client completes the eSignature process, you will receive an email notification and can confirm the status as "Electronic Signature eSigned" in the Status at Thomson Reuters data center column of the eSignature Transmission Status - Live section of the Home Page. You can retrieve the signed documents via CS Connect.

  1. Choose Utilities > CS Connect or click the CS Connect button in the toolbar to open the CS Connect dialog.
  2. Verify that the Retrieve updated eSignature status and documents checkbox is marked in the Purpose of this call group box. 
  3. Click the Connect button. 


  • To see the destination of the signed documents, choose Setup > Office Configuration and click the eSignature tab.
  • If you cannot locate the signed documents, retrieve the documents again by choosing Help > Repair. In the Repair dialog, click on the client so that it is highlighted, and then click the Retrieve eSign Info button.

Reviewing Form 8879 eSignature status 

You can check the status of Forms 8879 sent to clients for electronic signatures via the Electronic Filing Status dialog.

  1. Choose Utilities > Electronic Filing Status or click the Electronic Filing Status button on the toolbar.
  2. Review the information in the Signature Document column to check the status of the Forms 8879 you previously transmitted to clients for eSignatures.


    • To sort the list in this dialog or filter a column according to the entries in that column, click any column heading.
    • The possible status values displayed in this column are ESign Sent, To Sign, ESigned, ESign Failed, ESign Declined, or Paper Signed and Returned.
  3. Click Close to exit the Electronic Filing Status dialog. 

Viewing eSignature status events

To view the eSignature status events that UltraTax CS logged for the open client, click the down-arrow on the Client Status button Client Status button in the toolbar and move your mouse over a particular date to see the events logged on that date.

  • Electronic Signature Sent: Indicates that you have sent documents such as the Individual Engagement Letter to the client for electronic signature via CS Connect. 
  • Electronic Signature Failed: Indicates that the Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA) process failed to verify the client's identity. You can either obtain a handwritten signature, or reassemble the eSignature document and send it to the client again. The KBA process can be attempted three times before a handwritten signature is required. 
  • ESigned: Indicates that the client successfully completed the electronic signature process. 
  • Electronic Signature Declined: Indicates that the electronic signature was not completed by the client. This can be the result of a few different situations, which are explained as follows:
    • Expired: Indicates that the electronic signature document was not signed within the allotted time limit.
    • Revoked: Indicates that the electronic signature document was recalled by a preparer or other staff member by clicking the [Revoke] link on the eSignature Status Live section of the UltraTax CS Home Page. 
    • Authentication failure: Indicates that the client did not correctly enter the last four digits of their Social Security Number. Verify that the SSN was entered correctly in Screen 1040 (for 1040 returns), in Screen Contact (for 1120, 1065, and 1041 returns), or the Officer Information Window (for 990 returns) and that the client email address is accurate.
    • If no other reason is included, the client clicked the Decline Signature button. If the client entered a reason for declining the signature, UltraTax CS includes that reason in the logged events drop-down list

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