IRS e-file application summary required prior to e-filing with UltraTax CS

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If you have not already done so, you’ll need to provide a copy of your IRS e-file application summary before you can electronically file returns via UltraTax CS. If you attempt to e-file returns without verifying your e-file application summary, you will receive the following message.

"Your CS Connect electronic filing capability is disabled. Thomson Reuters requires preparers to submit a copy of their 'Application Summary' from E-Services prior to e-filing. Please send the application summary to and include your firm ID (1234) in the subject line."

Note: If you are unsure of your firm ID number, see How to find your firm ID.

To access or print the application summary from IRS e-services to resolve this error, follow these steps.

  1. Visit the IRS website at and click the for Tax Pros link at the top of the page.
  2. Click Access e-Services in the e-Services section.
  3. Scroll to the e-Services Applications section and click E-file Provider Services.
  4. In the E-file Application section, click the Access e-file Application button to open the e-Services login page.
  5. Using the fields provided, enter your credentials to log in to the IRS e-Services site. You'll also need to perform multi-factor authentication by entering a security code sent to your phone.
  6. On the Select Organization page, mark the checkbox next to your firm's name and click Submit Selected Organization.
  7. On the ESAM Application Landing Page, in the View/Edit click the icon for your desired e-file application.
  8. At the top right of the application summary page, click the Print link.
  9. Create a PDF of your e-file application summary by selecting Adobe PDF as the printer, then click Print. (This step varies depending on your browser.)

For details about your e-Services account, see IRS: Important update about your e-Services account. If you are uncertain if you have created an e-Services portal, or if you need assistance with login errors, verifying login credentials, or accessing your IRS e-Services portal, contact the IRS e-Help desk at 866-255-0654.

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