Repair dialog (Data Mining)

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In general, the Repair dialog should only be used under the direction of CS Support.

This dialog is used to rebuild the application database (as selected in the Client database field in the Data Mining window) if client data has been corrupted or if clients are missing from the database.

To open this dialog, choose Help > Repair from the Data Mining menu.

Fields & buttons

Displays the total number of UltraTax CS clients in the database currently selected in the Client database field in the Data Mining window.

Displays the client ID and name of each client whose record was not successfully updated, as well as the reason for any unsuccessful update.


  • This list contains data only after you click the Build button.
  • You cannot use this dialog to update data for clients for whom you have marked the Deny Data Mining access to client data checkbox in the Restrict Access tab in UltraTax CS.
  • In general, the fields in the Repair dialog should only be used under the direction of CS Support.

Click this button to rebuild the application database (as selected in the Client database field in the Data Mining window) if client data has been corrupted or if clients are missing from the database.

Note: In general, the fields in the Repair dialog should only be used under the direction of CS Support.

Related topic: Data Mining overview

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