1040-US eSignature: How many times a form can be eSigned

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How many times can a form be eSigned?


  • Form 8879 - Can be successfully eSigned one time, or if you are e-filing an amended return. If something changes in the UltraTax CS client after form 8879 was eSigned, then a paper Form 8879 must be manually signed.
  • Form 8878 - Can be successfully eSigned one time. If something changes in the UltraTax CS client after form 8878 was eSigned, then a paper Form 8878 must be manually signed. 
  • FinCEN Form 114a - Can be successfully eSigned one time. If something changes in UltraTax CS client after Form 114a was eSigned, then a paper Form 114a must be manually signed.
  • Engagement Letter - Can be successfully eSigned as many times as needed. If the Engagement letter needs to be eSigned a second time, you can re-assemble and transmit for eSignature.
  • Consent to Disclose and Use - Can be successfully eSigned as many times as needed. If the Consent letters need to be eSigned again, you can re-assemble and transmit them for eSignature.
  • Bank Account Verification - Can be successfully eSigned as many times as needed. If the client's bank account changes and needs to be verified again, you can re-assemble and transmit the bank account verification for eSignature.

Note: Forms 8879, 8878, and FinCEN 114a require successful completion of Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA) in order to successfully eSign the form. If KBA fails three times, these forms must be manually signed on paper.   

Related Topics:

eSignatures FAQs (1040)

eSignature overview

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