eSignature pricing

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This article covers pricing scenarios for per-document pricing. There is an unlimited package available - contact your Sales Representative to find out more.

If you have per-document pricing, you will incur a nominal fee for each successful completion of an eSignature document package. A document package is a document or set of documents included a single transmission. The fee amount depends on whether the package includes Form 8878 or 8879; for pricing details, see the CS Professional Suite Price List.

For instructions on setting up and using eSignatures, see eSignature overview.


Scenario Charges
Married Filing Joint return, Taxpayer and Spouse both successfully sign. This is one document package. There will be one charge; see the Price List for the amount.
Married Filing Joint return, Taxpayer successfully signed and Spouse fail, decline, or revoke the eSignature, or vice versa. This is one document package. There will be no charge because the package was not successfully signed by both parties.
Married Filing Joint return, Taxpayer and Spouse fail, decline, or revoke the eSignature. This is one document package. There will be no charge because the package was not successfully signed by both parties.
Married Filing Separately, Taxpayer and Spouse both successfully sign. Each return is a separate document package. There will be two charges; see the Price List for the amount.
Married Filing Separately, Taxpayer successfully signed and Spouse fail, decline, or revoke the eSignature, or vice versa. Each return is a separate document package. There will be one charge for the successfully signed package; see the Price List for the amount.
Married Filing Separate return, Taxpayer and Spouse fail, decline, or revoke the eSignature. Each return is a separate document package. There will be no charge because the packages were not successfully signed.
Single, Head of Household, or Business return. This is one document package. If the package is successfully signed, there will be one charge; see the Price List for the amount. If the client fails, declines, or revokes the package, there is no charge.

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