UltraTax CS: Items that proforma

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Web text: utproforma
Object Does the Object Proforma?
Client Documents Yes. See Proforma customized documents and custom paragraphs from the previous year.
Client Note Yes.
Custom Fieldviews Yes, custom fieldviews are proforma'd automatically. UltraTax CS locates this information from the file location specified for the prior year's program under Setup > User Preferences > File Locations. Note that if you created a custom fieldview prior to the proforma of your client data, then UltraTax CS will not overwrite the newly created file; therefore, your custom fieldviews will not proforma. To correct this, delete the XYUSPRVU.dat, where X is the entity (1040 = I, 1120 = C, 1065 = P, 1041 = F, 706 = U, 709 = G, 990 = E, and 5500 = B), and Y is the year of the program (e.g. 2015 = 5). This file is located under Z:\WinCSI\UTYYSYS\$OFFICE\[OFFICE]\UTYYSys\Entity, where Z is the drive letter where the program is installed and YY is the year of the program (e.g. 2022 = 22). Once the file is deleted, proforma a client that contains custom fieldviews. Custom fieldviews are also known as preparer views.
EFIN Yes, EFIN number is proforma'd automatically. UltraTax CS locates this information from the folder location specified for the prior year's program under Setup > User Preferences > File Locations. Note that if the prior year program location in Setup > User Preferences > File Locations is not correct, UltraTax CS creates a default file and the prior year setup does not proforma. To correct this, point the prior year program location to the correct path in Setup > User Preferences > File Locations, close UltraTax CS, rename the file _1usEFIN.DAT in the \WinCSI\UTYYSys folder then re-open UltraTax CS and the file from the prior year should now proforma.
General Footnote Yes.
Invoice Amounts Yes. The invoice amounts, entered in the Invoice Pricing dialog, proforma automatically. UltraTax CS locates this information from the file location specified for the prior year's program under Setup > User Preferences > File Locations.
Master Password Yes.
Preparers Yes. The preparer information is proforma'd automatically. UltraTax CS locates this information from the file location specified for the prior year's program under Setup > User Preferences > File Locations.
Print Collations Yes. See Proforma print collations from the previous year for more details.
Security Settings Yes. This will apply only to advanced security settings. Standard security settings will not proforma. Refer to Setting security options for additional information regarding security settings.
Staff Yes. The staff information is proforma'd automatically. UltraTax CS locates this information from the file location specified for the prior year's program under Setup > User Preferences > File Locations.
State / Local Taxes Paid If the client owed state taxes in the prior year, UltraTax CS will proforma that amount to Screen St Pmt, located under the Payments folder, in the Paid with YY return field.
User Preferences All user preference settings will proforma automatically after opening UltraTax CS for the first time. These settings include preferences for data entry, default preparers, home page functions, review tools, and other user-specified preferences. To view or change preferences, access Setup > User Preferences.

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Support: To view a list of what items proforma and don't proforma, what is considered an automatic proforma item and what is a user initiated proforma, please see the Configurable Files Spreadsheet.