Accounting CS Release User Bulletin v.2020.3.3 - November 16, 2020

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ATTENTION: Firms using Virtual Office CS and Software as a Service received this update as v.2020.3.2 on November 9, 2020. The bulletins for both of these updates are identical.

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  • You can search for specific information (such as a state name) in this article. Details

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    1. Expand the text for the applicable sections or click the Show expandable text link at the top of this article to expand all text in the article.
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  • If you are looking for a specific update, but it doesn't appear in this bulletin, try checking the Accounting CS Alerts & notices article. 
  • New features and new reports that are released in this version might be protected by security privileges. If your firm has enabled firm security, please evaluate all enhancements and update your security groups as needed.

General - Payroll

  • Effective for tax year 2020 and later, the IRS now requires that non-employee compensation be reported on the new Form 1099-NEC instead of on Form 1099-MISC. Accordingly, we are taking actions to provide support for the new Form 1099-NEC. (Ideas Incubator #847) Details
    • Vendors that are set up to use the 1099-MISC on the 1099 Properties tab of the Setup > Vendors screen have been updated to have the equivalent 1099-NEC boxes, when applicable.
    • Vendors that are set up to use the 1099-MISC on the Distributions tab of the Setup > Vendors screen have been updated to use the equivalent 1099-NEC boxes, when applicable.
    • Vendor transactions dated 2020 or later that have 1099-MISC box distributions on them have been updated to use the equivalent 1099-NEC boxes, when applicable.

    For more details on what vendors and transactions have been automatically updated, see 1099-MISC vendor and transaction update for v.2020.3.2.

Accounting CS Payroll, for live payroll processing

In addition to any changes made for general payroll features listed above for after-the-fact payroll processing, the following changes have been made for the live payroll processing features specific to Accounting CS Payroll.

Accounting CS includes two interactive tools that provide valuable payroll tax information.

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Prior release user bulletins

Support Contact Information page on our website

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