Reasons why this report contains no data

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When previewing or printing a report, the report is displayed with the header region and the text "This report contains no data." The following are some possible reasons why this is happening.

The report contains one or more rows that are incorrectly grouped

  • Any rows that contain only text and no variables do not need to be grouped into a repeating level.
  • Each row that contains a variable from the Chart of Accounts Activity top level of the variable tree should be grouped into a repeating level.
  • Adjacent rows that are displaying a total can be part of the same repeating level.
  • Adjacent rows that are not displaying a total need to have empty, hidden rows in between so that each row can repeat separately.

    Example of correct groupings

There are hidden rows in the report that are not empty or blank

Check hidden rows (rows with a height of 0.00) for variables or for incorrect groupings.

There truly is no data to show on the report

  • Verify the correct client is selected.
  • Verify the correct variables are selected.
    • For example, the [Client.Name] variable will pull the name of the client from Setup > Clients, but the [Customer.Name] variable pulls the name from Setup > Customers. If you do not have the Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable services enabled or you do not have any customers set up, there is nothing for the variable to output.
  • Verify the client is in the correct posting period on the lower left hand side of the screen.
  • Verify the correct date range was chosen on the print options.
  • Review the filtering and sorting options chosen. If there are too many or incorrect filters chosen, the report may not work as expected.

The report does not contain any variables in the Main region

This happens most often with custom reports for footnotes. The information does not display because there is only hard-coded text and nothing for the application to calculate. To resolve:

  1. Insert a variable such as [ChartofAccountsActivity.Core.GLAccountDescription] into a new row.
  2. Right-click on the row number, and choose Group into Repeating Level.
  3. Right-click on the row number again, choose Row Height, enter 0.00 and then click OK.

Another way to get the report to show the information is to insert a variable into a cell and make the text color white.

Note: Variables from CSA Financial Reporter are not the same as variables for Accounting CS Report Designer. If you copied and pasted from CSA, you will need to replace the CSA variables with the corresponding Accounting CS variable.

You are attempting to preview or print a report for a client that does not have that service enabled

You can review the services enabled on a client on Setup > Clients.

The report is part of a Report Profile, but changes have been made to the report

If you make changes to a report in the Report Designer, and that report is part of an existing profile, you will need to remove that report from the profile and re-add it in order for the changes to take effect.

  1. Choose Setup > Firm Information > Firm Report
  2. Remove the report from the profile, and then press Enter to save the profile.
  3. Edit the profile again and re-add the report. Note that you will need to make all of your selections again.

Accidental changes were made to the report

You can restore the default on any reports that came with the installation of the application by right-clicking on the report and selecting Restore Default.

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