Report Designer: One report is blank

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If a report has been edited in the Report Designer and all the cells appear blank but the report still prints information, use the following steps to resolve. This typically occurs when the text size of the variables is too large for the cells. 

Change the font size

  1. Within the report, select the affected region or rows.
  2. Change the font size to be smaller from within the toolbar. 

Change the row height

If changing the font size to be smaller does not work, change the row height.

  1. Select the affected regions or rows.
  2. Right-click in the affected area.
  3. Choose the item Row Height from the pane and increase the height of the row.

Restore system reports

Should the text still not be visible, system reports can always be restored to the system default. To restore a report to default:

  1. Right-click on the affected report within the report frame.
  2. Select Restore Default.

    Note: The report will then show the data correctly. If the report is custom and not a system report, the restore default option will not be available.

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