Common questions about FSET (Federal State Electronic Filing)

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For payroll compliance (annually licensed)

What is FSET?

The Federal/State Employment Taxes program (FSET) - also known as E-Standards or TIGERS - is an electronic file format created by the Federation of Tax Administrators (FTA) for filing state unemployment and withholding forms. In many ways it's similar to electronically filing 940 and 941 forms. Several states require FSET filing, but it is available in a number of other states.

Why do I want to use FSET?

Even if your state does not require you to file payroll tax forms electronically, doing so can save time and gain efficiency for your firm.

When you file via FSET, you can process, review, and transmit your forms without ever leaving Accounting CS: You don't need to log onto the state's website or upload any files, because Accounting CS transmits FSET files to our CS Connect server and then directly to the state agency.

Is there an additional fee for FSET processing?

There is a per-return transmission cost for electronically filing federal 94x forms; enrollment files do not accrue a fee. There is no additional transmission cost for electronically filing state forms. For many firms, it may be more cost efficient to purchase an unlimited e-filing license. For pricing information on the unlimited e-filing license, contact your Sales Representative.

There is no charge for files sent just to the state. OK to tell a customer if you're asked directly.

For which states is FSET filing available?

Federal State Electronic Transmission (FSET) electronic filing is available within Accounting CS for the following states.

  • Arizona: Forms A1-QRT, A1-R, and W-2 Copy 1
  • California: Forms DE 9 and DE 9C
  • Colorado - Aurora: Form COA STM 0101
  • Connecticut: Forms UC-2, CT-WH, CT-941, and CT-PRML Worksheet
  • Florida: Forms RT-6 and RT-6NF
  • Georgia: Forms G-1 and G-1003
  • Hawaii: Forms HW-14, VP-1, and W-2 Copy 1
  • Iowa: Form 65-5300
  • Indiana: Form WH-1
  • Illinois: Forms UI-3/40, IL-501, IL-941 and W-2 Copy 1
  • Kentucky: Forms K-1 and K-3
  • Louisiana: Form L-1
  • Michigan: Forms 5080 and 5081
  • Michigan - Detroit: Forms 5321 and 5323
  • Mississippi: Form 89-105
  • Montana: Forms UI-5/UI-5G, MW-1, MW-3, and W-2 Copy 1
  • North Carolina: Forms NC-3 and W-2 Copy 1
  • New York: Form NYS-45
  • Ohio: Forms IT-501 and IT-941
  • Ohio - School Districts: Forms SD-101 and SD-141
  • Oregon: Forms WR, STT-1, and STT-A
  • Pennsylvania: Forms PA-501 and PA-W3
  • Wisconsin: Forms WT-6, WT-7, W-2 Copy 1, and 1099 (all types)

How do I set up a client to file via FSET?

  1. Register or enroll with the state as required. You can find information about how to register and/or enroll by looking up information for your state in the E-filing notes section of the State-specific payroll tax form information article or by visiting the appropriate state website.
  2. Verify that at least one firm staff member is set up as a payroll form preparer (if required by the state). Details
    1. Choose Setup > Firm Information > Staff.
    2. In the Main tab of the Staff screen. Verify that the Payroll form preparer checkbox is marked and the PTIN is entered.
  3. Verify that a firm contact is set up for the client (if required by the state). Details
    1. Choose Setup > Clients and select the client.
    2. In the Main tab, click Edit and then click the Ellipsis (…) button in the Additional Contacts section
    3. Make sure that all information is set up for the contact and that the Payroll form signer checkbox is marked.

      Note: If the firm signs the forms on behalf of the client, the firm’s information belongs here.

  4. Verify that the filing method for the form(s) is specified as Electronic or Electronic with Payment for the client. Details
    1. In the Payroll Taxes tab of the Clients screen, verify that the applicable state is selected in the State section.
    2. In the Forms section, change the filing method for the applicable form(s) to Electronic or Electronic with Payment.
  5. Enter all relevant setup information in the Additional Information dialog. Details
    1. With the applicable state still selected, click the Additional Information button in the Forms section.
    2. Enter the relevant information then click Enter to save.

      Note: Each state requires slightly different setup information. At a minimum, enter the Taxpayer and Preparer details in the Signature Area section.

  6. If any of the relevant tax forms were listed with a Payment type, choose Setup > Vendors, select the appropriate tax agent, and click Edit.
  7. In the Payment Preferences section of the Main tab, select Electronic from the drop-down list in the Method field.

How do I process and file FSET returns?

  1. Process the Reconciliation forms and/or W-2 forms as usual within the Process Payroll Tax Forms screen or the Actions > Edit Payroll Tax Forms screen.
  2. For Payment type forms, process liabilities to queue the payment and form to the Actions > Process Electronic Forms screen.
  3. Process electronic forms in the Actions > Process Electronic Forms screen.
  4. Check the e-file status of the forms you have transmitted.

See also: Workflow - Processing payroll tax reconciliation forms

Where can I find more information about FSET filing?

Workflow - Processing payroll tax reconciliation forms

Workflow - Processing W-2 forms

Processing electronic forms

State-specific payroll tax form information

IRS Federal/State e-file web page

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