Payroll Solution (DOS) Data Conversion [Utilities menu]

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Payroll CS includes a utility for converting existing client data from The Payroll Solution, which is a DOS-based product. If any client is currently open when you begin the conversion process, the system automatically closes that client database before beginning the conversion process.

Choose Utilities > Data Conversion > Payroll Solution.

Special information

The payroll items created from the Payroll Solution wages and deductions are global items in Payroll CS. This means there is a strong potential for duplication of payroll items when you convert earnings information for multiple clients.

Example If Gross Pay #1 is set up differently for different employees, or is used multiple times for the same employee, multiple Gross Pay #1 items will be created for use in Payroll CS. Note that only the first link of a linked employee will convert from Payroll Solution (DOS).

Whenever possible, convert employee earnings only when the client is large enough to make it of great value to do so. In other cases, we would recommend converting only the employee information, without the earnings data. Then you can use the employee templates feature of Payroll CS to complete the payroll item structure for the individual employees. This allows the use of previously existing payroll items to avoid needless duplication and includes the added advantage of having the re-usable employee templates available for use on future employees. For more details, see Employee Templates [Setup menu].

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