Entering basic firm information

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Basic identification and contact information for your firm is entered on the Main tab of the Firm screen.

See also: Firm setup overview

To enter basic firm information, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Setup > Firm Information > Firm. The Main tab is displayed by default.
  2. In the Identification section, the firm name and EIN or SSN information is populated automatically from your firm's license information. However, if necessary, you can override this information by entering new information in this section.
  3. In the Addresses section, the firm address is populated automatically based on your firm's license information, but can be overridden in these fields.


    • You can use the Address verification feature (click the Address Verification Location button button) to enter the city, state, and ZIP code.
    • You can enter three addresses - Business, Home, or Other - by clicking the Selection Selection button button to select one of the options.
    • Specify an address as the mailing address by marking the Mailing address checkbox.
  4. In the Phone and fax numbers section, enter the phone and fax number information for your firm.

    Note: You can enter multiple phone numbers for the firm by clicking the Selection Selection button button.

  5. In the Email and web addresses section, enter the firm's email address and website URL.

    Note: Once information has been entered, clicking the Email Email button button will open your default email client with this address in the To: line and clicking the Website Website button button will automatically open the specified website using your default browser.

  6. In the Additional Contacts section, you can click the Ellipsis button button to open the Additional Contacts dialog and enter an unlimited number of additional contact people. All contacts will display in the Additional Contact section separated by commas.
  7. When you have finished entering firm information in this screen, click the Enter button to save your changes.

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