Setting up clients for accounts payable processing

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If you use Accounting CS to process accounts payable for your client, or if your client will use Accounting CS to process their own payables, you must first enable the Accounts Payable service for the client and then specify preferred settings for processing accounts payable activity.

Enabling the Accounts Payable service

  1. First, verify that security is enabled for the accounts payable features.
    1. Choose Setup > Firm Information > Security Groups and then click the Accounts Payable tab.
    2. For each security group for which you want to enable access to the accounts payable features, click the Edit button and then mark the checkbox for each accounts payable feature to enable, and then click Enter to save those changes.
  2. Choose Setup > Clients.
  3. Select the client in the Clients list and click the Edit button.
  4. In the Main tab, click the Ellipsis button button in the Services section.
  5. In the Add/Remove Services dialog, mark the Accounting checkbox and then mark the Accounts Payable checkbox.
  6. Click OK to save the changes and return to the Clients screen.
  7. In the Clients screen, click Enter to save the client record with the Accounts Payable service enabled. The Clients screen should now include the Accounts Payable tab.

Specifying the accounts payable settings for the client

  1. In the Clients screen, click the Accounts Payable tab.
  2. Click the option for the desired accounting method to use for the client (Accrual or Cash basis).
    • The accounting method options determine how payables are posted in Accounting CS.
    • You can run reports using either basis, regardless of which you choose here.
  3. Specify whether or not you want to allow the same reference number and/or PO number to be used for more than one payable.
  4. Select the default general ledger account to use as the AP account for new vendors.
  5. Click Enter to save the client record.
  6. Before you print any AP checks, you must specify a default AP check layout. You can always select a different layout at print time, if necessary.
    1. Choose Setup > Bank Accounts and click the Check Layout tab.
    2. In the Accounts Payable field, select the default AP check layout to use, and then click Enter to save the selection.

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