Previewing and printing diagnostics for payroll tax forms

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For payroll compliance (annually licensed)

Diagnostics for payroll tax forms are available from both the Process Payroll Tax Forms screen and the Process Client Forms dialog within the Edit Payroll Tax Forms screen.

Process Payroll Tax Forms screen - Choose Actions > Process Payroll Tax Forms.

Process Client Forms dialog - Choose Actions > Edit Payroll Tax Forms and then click the Process Client Forms Process client forms button button to open the Process Client Forms dialog.

You can choose to preview and/or print both critical and informational diagnostic messages prior to printing your forms or preview and/or print only critical diagnostic messages while printing your forms.

Prior to printing forms

  1. In the Process Payroll Tax Forms screen or the Process Client Forms dialog, mark the checkboxes for the appropriate clients and forms.
  2. Click the View Diagnostics button. The Form Diagnostics dialog displays both critical and informational diagnostic messages specific to the filing method for each selected form. For example, if paper filing is selected for a form, e-filing diagnostic information is not displayed for that form.
  3. If desired, print the diagnostic report by clicking the Print button at the top of the dialog.

While printing forms

  1. In either the Process Payroll Tax Forms screen or the Process Client Forms dialog, mark the checkboxes for the appropriate clients and forms.
  2. Click the Print Selected button. The Form Diagnostics dialog displays only critical diagnostic information specific to the filing method currently selected for each form.
  3. If desired, print the diagnostic report by clicking the Print button at the top of the dialog, or close the dialog to open the Print dialog and continue printing the forms. Forms with unaddressed critical diagnostic errors will not print.

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