Edit Payroll Tax Forms screen

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For payroll compliance (annually licensed)

The Edit Payroll Tax Forms screen allows you to modify data on payroll tax reconciliation forms, payroll tax payment forms (for check payments only), W-2s, 1099s, and 1095-Cs, to process W-2 forms for specific employees, and to process corrected 1099, 1095-C, 94x, and W-2 forms for your clients. This screen relies on the information entered for the client, particularly in the Payroll Taxes tab of the Setup > Clients screen, to make the appropriate forms available for the client. First, select the form type and then specify the data retrieval information for the forms.

The options available in this screen vary depending on the form type you select.

Choose Actions > Edit Payroll Tax Forms.

Fields & buttons

Select the form type from the drop-down list. The retrieval fields available depend on which form type you have selected.

When you click the Refresh button initially, the application displays the Jurisdiction field. Every time you modify the filtering criteria, you must click the Refresh button again to update the results. 

Make your selection in the Jurisdiction and Form fields to retrieve the appropriate forms for the period and dates selected. The Form pane displays the forms that are appropriate for the client based on information you have entered for the client (such as address information and location for clients and employees, filing frequency, deposit schedule, etc.). 

Click this button to open the Additional Information dialog, where you can add any additional information needed for the particular jurisdiction's tax forms.

This link (available only when W-2 is selected as the form type) opens the Payroll tax form year end processing tips help topic.
This link (available only when 1099 is selected as the form type) opens the Payroll tax form year end processing tips help topic.

This pane displays the forms that are applicable for that jurisdiction as tabs. In addition, each jurisdiction or state also has an Employee Data (or Recipient Data) tab, which displays columns applicable to that jurisdiction and is used to fill out the form on a per employee basis.

Note: The Form pane displays the latest form available if the form for the selected year is not available. For example, 2017 data will display on a 2016 form if the 2017 form is not yet in the application. Electronic filing is available for the current and prior year forms.

The bottom of the screen displays two panes containing diagnostic messages, critical and informational. The application checks each form for errors or missing information. Critical errors are those that would cause the agency to reject the file or paper form.

Using the Process Client Forms dialog, you can choose to preview and/or print both critical and informational diagnostic information prior to printing your forms or preview and/or print only critical diagnostic information while printing your forms. To open the Process Client Forms dialog, click the Process Client Forms Process client forms button button at the top of the screen or choose the command from the File menu.

See also

Previewing and printing diagnostics for payroll tax forms

Addressing critical diagnostic messages for reconciliation forms

Override options

Overrides remain indefinitely (quarter to quarter and year to year) until they are manually cleared.

The following override options are available from the Edit menu.

  • Clear Override. Clears the override in the field in which your cursor is placed.
  • Clear Form Overrides. Clears all overridden fields only on the form currently displayed on the active tab. (Overridden fields are displayed in red on the form.)
  • Clear System Overrides. Clears all overridden fields on the forms on all tabs for the selected jurisdiction.

The following override options are available from the Employee Data tab, Client Data tab, or Recipient Data tab (for 1099s and W-2s)

  • Clear Override. Clears the override in the field in which your cursor is placed.
  • Clear All Overrides. Clears all overridden fields only on the form currently displayed on the tab.

Add Vendor button

The Add Vendor button is available in the Recipient Data tab when any 1099 form is selected as the Form type.

You can click the Add Vendor button to open a version of the Setup > Vendors screen in Add mode. There, you can add any missing 1099 recipients on the fly, without leaving the Actions > Edit Payroll Tax Forms screen.

Toolbar buttons

Note: The Edit Payroll Tax Forms toolbar has a number of additional buttons, which are explained in the following table.

Button Function
Analyze Client Activity button Analyze Client Activity. Click this button in the toolbar or choose the command from the Actions menu to open the Analyze Client Activity view menu and choose Payroll Tax Form (to drill down into the data and verify the values on Form 941) or Employee Earnings (to view a snapshot of employees' earnings for the current and prior year)
Process client forms button Process Client Forms. Click this button in the toolbar or choose the command from the File menu to open the Process Client Forms dialog, where you can choose to process all or selected forms applicable to the current client.
Print current form button Print current form. Click this button in the toolbar or choose the command from the File menu to print only the form currently displayed on the active tab to your default printer. Not generally used for processing forms, this button enables you to quickly print a hardcopy version for verification or other purposes. (When you print a form from this screen, it is printed with the Client copy watermark and will use your computer's default printer settings.)
Penalty interest button Calculate penalty and interest. Calculates penalties and interest for all forms based on your current system date. The button remains active (green) until manually toggled off or until the application is closed.
Edit pr tax forms notes button Process Payroll Tax Forms Notes. Opens the Process Payroll Tax Forms Notes dialog, where you can view, add, delete, modify, or print notes that are specific to the processing of payroll tax forms for that client.

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