Editing payroll tax payment form data (check payments)

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For payroll compliance (annually licensed)

Follow this procedure only if you want to override information that is automatically entered by the application based on retrieved information.

  1. Choose Actions > Edit Payroll Tax Forms.
  2. In the Edit Payroll Tax Forms screen, select the appropriate client from the client drop-down list at the top of the screen (if not already selected).
  3. Select Payment from the Form Type drop-down list.
  4. Specify the check dates for the forms you want to edit.
  5. Click the Refresh button.


    • The forms that display for the client are dependant on the state information entered for the client in the Payroll Taxes tab of the Clients screen and also on the locations specified for the client and all employees of the client.
    • If the Do Not File checkbox is marked for a form in the Payroll Taxes tab, that form will not display in the Edit Payroll Tax Form screen.
  6. Make your selections from the Jurisdiction and Form drop-down lists to display the payment forms.
  7. Modify the payment tax form data as necessary.


  • Overrides remain indefinitely (quarter to quarter and year to year) until they are manually cleared. The following override options are available from the Edit menu.
    • Clear Override. Clears the override in the field in which your cursor is placed.
    • Clear Form Overrides. Clears all overridden fields only on the form currently displayed on the active tab. (Overridden fields are displayed in red on the form.)
    • Clear System Overrides. Clears all overridden fields on the forms on all tabs for the selected jurisdiction.
  • You have the option to clear form overrides and employee overrides in the Actions > Process Payroll Payroll Tax Forms screen prior to previewing or printing the forms.
  • The Edit Payroll Tax Forms toolbar has a number of additional buttons, which are shown here and explained in the following table. 


    Button Function
    Process client forms button Process client forms. Click this button to open the Process Client Forms dialog, where you can choose to process all or selected forms applicable to the current client.
    Print current form button Print current form. Click this button to print only the form currently displayed on the active tab to your default printer. Not generally used for processing forms, this button enables you to quickly print a hardcopy version for verification or other purposes.
    Penalty interest button Calculate penalty and interest. Calculates penalties and interest for all currently selected forms based on your current system date. The button remains active (green) until manually toggled off or until the application is closed.

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