Enrolling clients for Arizona electronic filing

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For payroll compliance (annually licensed)

Payroll service companies can file Arizona withholding forms using the FSET program and the Enroll > Arizona e-Enrollment screen.

To enroll your clients for filing, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Actions > Enroll > Arizona Electronic Filing. In the Enroll > Arizona e-Enrollment screen, all Arizona clients who are not currently enrolled in the FSET program (all clients that do not have the Enrolled in AZ FSET checkbox marked in the Arizona Additional Information dialog are listed in the Enrollment grid.
  2. Using the filtering fields, filter the clients as necessary to limit the number of clients in the grid to those you want to enroll currently.
  3. Make sure that Add Clients, the default option, is chosen as the current Action.
  4. In the Enrollment grid, mark the checkboxes next to the clients you want to enroll.
  5. Modify the Effective date column in the grid as necessary. You cannot modify the Client ID, Client Name, Payroll Name, or EIN fields.
  6. Click the Transmit button to create and transmit enrollment files for the selected clients.
  7. When the files have been created and transmitted, you can preview the files in by clicking the Preview button. You can preview previously transmitted files by clicking the Manage e-Enrollment Files button and using the Manage e-Enrollment Files dialog.
  8. The files are stored in the file location listed at the bottom of the Arizona e-Enrollment screen. If you want to modify the file location, choose Setup > File Locations and modify the path in the Electronic/Internet/Magnetic field in the File Creation section.

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