Printing payroll tax reconciliation forms

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For payroll compliance (annually licensed)

When you are ready to print payroll tax reconciliation forms for one or more clients, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Actions > Process Payroll Tax Forms.
  2. In the Process Payroll Tax Forms screen, select Reconciliation from the Form Type drop-down list.
  3. Specify the retrieval information for the forms you want to print. For example, mark the checkbox(es) for the frequency of the forms (Monthly, Quarterly, and/or Annually) and then specify (as appropriate) the month, quarter, year, etc.

    Note: Every time you make modifications to any of the retrieval fields above, you will need to click the Refresh button to allow the screen to update the displayed information.

  4. Further specify which clients and forms to display by using the filtering fields - options include filtering by filing method, jurisdiction, form, filed by, and employer type. You can clear the filtering fields by clicking the red X next to your selection.
  5. To clear form overrides for the selected forms, mark the Clear Form Overrides checkbox.


    • The forms that display for the client are dependant on the federal and state information entered for the client in the Payroll Taxes tab of the Clients screen and also on the locations specified for the client and all employees of the client.
    • If the Do Not File checkbox is marked for a form in the Payroll Taxes tab, that form will not display in the Form Selection section.
    • If a client has an inactive date (entered in the Main tab of the Setup > Clients screen) that is prior to the current period selected in the retrieval fields, that client will not be listed in the Form Selection section.
  6. In the Form Selection grid, mark the checkboxes next to the clients and/or forms you wish to print and then click either the Preview Selected or Process Selected button.

    Note: When form processing is complete, the application displays a summary report that lists all the forms that were processed and any balances that are due with the forms.

  7. If any of your forms specified a filing method other than paper or pre-printed, you will need to next follow the steps in the Processing electronic forms procedure or the Processing internet and magnetic files procedure.

    Note: To queue the files and make them available for processing in the Actions > Process Electronic Files screen or the Actions > Process Internet/Magnetic Files screen, you must mark the Filing copy checkbox in the Print dialog when processing your forms. To print a paper copy, you must mark the Client Copy checkbox.

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