Processing internet and magnetic files

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For payroll compliance (annually licensed)

You can process internet and/or magnetic files after you have processed your payroll tax forms and queued internet or magnetic files in the Actions > Process Payroll Tax Form screen or the Actions > Edit Payroll Tax Forms screen.

Use the Actions > Process Internet/Magnetic Files screen to process internet and magnetic files for payroll tax reconciliation forms, payroll tax payment forms, W-2 forms, 1099 forms, and 1095-C forms filed using the Internet or Magnetic method.


  • Any liabilities associated with the queued files are considered to be Pending at this point, and are therefore made unavailable in the Liabilities tab of the File > Print Checks screen.
  • If the client data you expected does not display in the screen, refer to No data displays in the Process Internet/Magnetic Files screen.
  1. Choose Actions > Process Internet/Magnetic Files.
  2. If necessary, click the Transmitter Information button to open the Transmitter Information dialog, where you can enter both general and jurisdiction-specific transmitter information.
  3. Mark the checkboxes next to the files you want to process.
  4. Preview files, if needed, by clicking the Preview Selected button. Choose either Agency or Report as the format for the files. The default option is Report, which shows the data contained in the file for selected clients and forms.


    • For files using the Report format, you can mark the Separate report per client checkbox to have the application create separate reports for each client when they are previewed or printed. This enables you to send the files to client-specific FileCabinet CS drawers.
    • If necessary, you can remove queued files by marking the checkbox next to the appropriate jurisdictions to select them, and then clicking the Remove Selected button.
    • To delete individual client records from the file, click the plus sign next to the file to expand the list of clients, mark the checkbox(es) next to the client(s), and press the Remove Selected button.
  5. Click the Create Files button to create the files and store them in subfolders (based on batch number) in the file location listed at the bottom of the screen.


    • When the files are created, any associated liabilities are closed. The application then creates payment transactions for the paid liabilities in the Actions > Enter Transactions screen.
    • The file location can be modified in the File Creation tab of the Setup > File Locations dialog.
    • When you create the files, the application creates a record in the Manage Files dialog.
    • You can batch process multiple client files for certain forms. When you process multiple clients with the same jurisdiction, form, and period end date, Accounting CS automatically combines them in a single file.
    • In the Create Files dialog, you can use the Append Selected button to add the selected forms to an existing batch file. If you select Create New, a new batch file will be created.
  6. In the Manage Files dialog, mark the Complete checkbox to prevent the application from appending that file.
  7. To print a transmittal worksheet for forms that require one, in the Manage Files dialog, select the form and click the Preview Selected button with the format set to Detailed Report.
  8. If you need to process files with the same jurisdiction, form, and period end date for additional clients, queue your internet or magnetic files for those clients and then follow steps 1 through 10 again.
  9. If you use Accounting CS on SaaS or Virtual Office, copy the file to your local workstation.  


    • By default, Internet forms are organized first by period end date, then by jurisdiction, then by batch number. If the Separate internet/magnetic files by staff checkbox is marked in the Preferences tab of the Setup > Firm > Firm Information screen, then the forms will be organized by period end date, jurisdiction, staff ID, then batch number.
    • When you choose the file destination on your local workstation, note that the V: drive represents your workstation’s local C: drive.
  10. Complete the filing process by mailing or uploading your payroll tax forms.

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