Drag and drop documents and email messages into the engagement binder

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For licensed users of Accounting CS Workpapers

Accounting CS Workpapers enables you to drag and drop documents from a local or networked drive in Windows Explorer and email messages from Microsoft Outlook to a selected binder or folder within the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.


  • Email applications other than Microsoft Outlook—such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and so forth—cannot be used to drag and drop email messages into a binder or folder within the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.
  • If you are unable to use the drag and drop method, verify that Accounting CS is not being run as the administrator.
    1. Close the application.
    2. Right-click the Accounting CS icon on your desktop and choose Properties.
    3. Verify that the Run this program as an administrator checkbox on the Compatibility tab is cleared.

You can use the following drag-and-drop methods to simplify the collaborative workflow in your office and enable you to share documents with external, non-Accounting CS Workpapers clients.

  • Drag and drop from an engagement binder into an email message.
  • Drag and drop from an engagement binder to the desktop or networked location.
  • Drag and drop into the File Exchange Document portlet.

Drag and drop documents into the engagement binder

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the location of the file that you want to insert into Accounting CS Workpapers.
  2. Open the Engagement Binders Tree portlet in the Workpapers Dashboard.
  3. Left-click the source document in Windows Explorer and drag it into a briefcase or folder within the Engagement Binders Tree portlet. The Workpaper Properties dialog opens when you place the file into the portlet and release the mouse button.
  4. Add the workpaper reference, modify any of the other fields in the dialog if necessary, and click OK.

Note: You can also drag and drop documents from the File Exchange Document portlet into the Engagement Binders tree portlet and vice versa within the Workpapers Dashboard.

For users working in the Virtual Office CS or Software as a Service (SaaS) environment.

  1. Open Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word in a Virtual Office CS or Software as a Service environment.
  2. Choose File > Open and navigate to a file that you want to include in the Workpapers Dashboard.
  3. In the Open dialog right-click a document and drag and drop it into the Workpapers Binder Tree portlet of the Workpapers Dashboard.


  • You cannot drag and drop files from your local workstation into the Workpapers Dashboard that is open in the Virtual Office CS or Software as a Service (SaaS) environment.
  • To add a non-Microsoft Word or non-Microsoft Excel document, you must add a file to the Workpapers Dashboard via the Add Workpaper Wizard.

Drag and drop email messages from Microsoft Outlook into the engagement binder

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook and navigate to the email item that you want to insert into Accounting CS Workpapers.
  2. Open the Engagement Binders Tree portlet in the Workpapers Dashboard.
  3. Left-click the email and drag it into a briefcase or folder within the Engagement Binders Tree portlet. The Workpaper Properties dialog opens when you place the file into the portlet and release the mouse button.
  4. Add the workpaper reference, modify any of the other fields in the dialog if necessary, and click OK.


  • Email messages with file attachments and the attachment are saved as separate files in the engagement binder.
  • Images that are embedded in an email message are saved as separate files in the engagement binder.

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