Entering GL account information

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

Help & How-To Center content for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform may be outdated and is used at your own risk.

After the Chart of Accounts has been set up to your specifications, enter your client's accounts and beginning, partial-year, or prior-year balances in the Chart of Accounts window.

  1. Click the Chart of Accounts icon on the CSA shortcut bar. Click the Add button to switch to Add > Edit mode.
  2. Enter a unique account number into the Acct # field that fits your client's Chart of Accounts mask.
  3. Choose an account type from the Type drop-down list.
  4. Enter a description of the account in the Description field.
  5. Choose a tax code from the drop-down list (if applicable).
  6. Enter any debit, credit, or budget amounts into the relevant rows and columns in the Account Detail grid.
  7. Click Enter to add the account to the Chart of Accounts. Repeat the process to create additional accounts.

You may enter account balances directly into the Chart of Accounts. However, please be advised that if you enter transactions to the same period, those Chart of Accounts balances will be replaced by the transaction balances when you post (or when posting occurs automatically, such as when you print transaction-based reports or advance the period).

If you will need to enter transactions in a period, or if you would like to see balance information in a transaction-based report, it is recommended that you enter all balance information via transactions rather than directly into the Chart of Accounts.

See also

Making a reversing entry for beginning balances

Adjusting entry procedures in Write-Up CS (PDF)

Setting up account groups for a Write-Up CS or Trial Balance CS client

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