Using storage names in a financial statement

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You can use Storage Name rows to save and name formulas or ranges of accounts to be used in formulas throughout a statement, and they are very useful when designing financial statements that repeat the same formulas multiple times.

You first need to use a Storage Name row to define the formula before using it in a selected row.

  1. Open your financial satement, highlight a row, and select Storage Name from the drop-down list in the Type field of the Row Properties box.
  2. Define the formula in the Amounts field for that row.
  3. Specify a name for that row (and for that storage name) by typing it in the Storage Name field of the Row Properties box.

  4. To use the same formala in another row for the statement, simply type the storage name in the Amounts field for an Accounts row or Totals row, or you can select the storage name from the Formula dialog. (Note that the Amounts field is accessible only when the row type is Accounts, Totals, or Storage Name.)

See also

Defining rows in a financial statement

Setting up an Accounts row in a financial statement

Setting up a Totals row in a financial statement

Insert Row [Insert menu] (Financial Statement Editor)

Storage Name Listing [Utilities menu - Diagnostics]

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