Installation is freezing at C:\Windows\Fonts\csifnn_.ttf

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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In some instances, the installation window will be stuck and become stalled at the file C:\Windows\Fonts\csifnn_.ttf.  This is likely caused by a Microsoft Windows limitation of font files. Try the following to avoid this issue:

Our Support team assists customers by providing information, resources, and troubleshooting for CS Professional Suite applications running in supported environments. We cannot assist with hardware configuration, user and workstation setup, Windows permissions and file-sharing, network and server administration, peripheral devices (such as printers, scanners, and mobile devices), or third-party software. Any issues related to these areas can be resolved with the assistance of your qualified IT personnel and/or the vendor's support for the software or device in question.

Use a Selective startup

For Windows 7 & 8:

  1. Click on your Windows Start menu and choose Run.
  2. In the Run dialog type: msconfig.
  3. Click the OK button in the Run dialog.
  4. In the System Configuration dialog, select the General tab.
  5. In the Startup selection of the General tab, mark Selective startup and also Load system services. Unmark Load startup items. Click the OK button.
  6. Restart your computer

For Windows 10:

  1. Click Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys on your keyboard and open up the task manager.
  2. Go to the Startup tab.
  3. Disable all startup items listed here. You will need to do this one by one, Windows 10 does not have an option to disable all.
  4. Next, push the Windows Key (has a windows logo) on your keyboard and the letter R at the same time to bring up the Run dialog.
  5. Type in msconfig in the Open box, followed by clicking OK.
  6. In the System Configuration window that appears, go to the General tab.
  7. Mark the option for Selective Startup and uncheck 'Load startup items'.
  8. Click Apply, then OK.
  9. Restart your computer.

Delete application fonts

  1. Go to the Windows Control panel > Fonts.
  2. Delete any fonts that begin with CSI.
  3. Delete any duplicate fonts (Example: Arial, Arial(1), Arial(2), etc.).
  4. Delete these specific fonts that begin with OCR:
    1. OCR A MT (TrueType)
    2. OCR B MT (True Type)
    3. OCR-A BT (TrueType)
    4. OCR-B (TrueType)
      1. You may have all or only some of these OCR fonts.
      2. Deleting fonts that begin with OCR and are not listed above may cause printing problems within other installed applications.
      3. Fonts cannot be deleted by browsing to the C:\Windows\Fonts folder. You will get a message that the file is in use or open by another program.

Deleting fonts makes them unavailable for other programs. Only delete the fonts you are sure you are not using. If you deleted the CSI fonts and need them back for Accounting CS, run the CSFont.msi file located:

X:\WinCSI\Accounting CS\DESKTOP\MSI\CSFonts.msi

Note: Where X represents the drive where the application is installed.

Run the full installation or Desktop setup

If the error occurred during the installation of the application:

  • Rename the X:\WinCSI\CSA folder to CSAold.
  • Run the CSA installation again, by right clicking on the Setup.exe file and choosing Run as administrator.

If the error occurred during the installation of the desktop application:

  • Run the desktop installation again (X:\WinCSI\Desktop\Setup.exe), by right clicking on the Setup.exe file and choosing Run as administrator.

Note: Where X represents the drive where the application is installed.

Reverse Selective startup

Reopen msconfig and reverse the steps taken above in Use Selective startup.

Other recommendations

Here is a collection of ideas that other users have found successful. If one of the suggestions below does not work, try the next.  They are listed in no particular order of success.

We recommend contacting your qualified technician to assist you with these possible suggestions.

Review your environment

Reivew the Systems library for CS Professional Suite applications to ensure you have the recommended antivirus settings, permissions, and supported environment.

Run the setup.exe file in compatibility mode

Depending on the type of installation, browse out to

Type of Installation Location
Workstation\Desktop X:\WinCSI\CSA\Desktop\Setup.exe
Laptop X:\WinCSI\CSA\Laptop\Setup.exe
Full Installation after extracting the csadownload.exe file C:\Creative Solutions Accounting 2015.1.0 Download\Setup.exe
Full Installation downloaded from our website Downloaded location\csadownload.exe

Note: Where X represents the drive where the application is installed.

  1. Right-click on Setup.exe (or csadownload.exe) and choose properties.
  2. Go to the Compatibility Tab.
  3. Select Run this program in compatibility mode for:.
  4. Verify Windows XP (Service Pack 3) is chosen.
  5. Choose Apply.
  6. Choose OK.
  7. Rerun the setup.exe file by right-clicking on it and choosing run as administrator.

End process on Setpoint

Occasionally, the driver for they keyboard or the mouse interferes with the font install. Look for Logitech Setpoint running in the background and end the process before you reinstall.

Create a New profile

If using Windows 10, try creating a new windows 10 administrator profile. If you are unfamiliar with setting this up, visit Microsoft’s website,Create a local user account in Windows 10 External link . (What's this?)

This icon appears alongside links to resources that are not developed or maintained by Thomson Reuters. We provide access to these resources for your convenience, but we are not responsible for their accuracy. If you need additional assistance, please consult your qualified technician and/or the vendor who developed the resource.

Support representatives cannot assist with setting up windows profiles.

Clean up the local hard drive

  1. Browse out to C:\Windows\Prefetch folder, look for any GLB###.tmp files and delete them.
  2. Run Disk Cleanup. 
  3. Type Disk Cleanup in Start > Search programs and files.
  4. Windows 10, type Disk Cleanup in the Ask me anything window.
  5. Once the Disk Cleanup window appears, select items to delete and choose ok.
  6. Click Delete Files, when asked Are you sure you want to permanently delete these files?

Note: This may take a while to run.

Review Microsoft’s article:

Some program installations freeze at Registering fonts External link . (What's this?)

This icon appears alongside links to resources that are not developed or maintained by Thomson Reuters. We provide access to these resources for your convenience, but we are not responsible for their accuracy. If you need additional assistance, please consult your qualified technician and/or the vendor who developed the resource.

Install a Malwarebytes application

Install free Malwarebytes External link . (What's this?)

This icon appears alongside links to resources that are not developed or maintained by Thomson Reuters. We provide access to these resources for your convenience, but we are not responsible for their accuracy. If you need additional assistance, please consult your qualified technician and/or the vendor who developed the resource.

Delete the files recommended by Malwarebytes, restart the computer, and install Creative Solutions Accounting.

Note: If the error continues after following the steps above, email CS Support at with your firm ID as additional troubleshooting steps may be needed.

Related Topics

Reinstalling Creative Solutions Accounting (CSA).htm

Installation message, Windows cannot find vc2013/vcredit_x86 or vc2008SP1/vcredit_x86


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If a user is still stuck at fonts after trying the steps above, review suggestions in Issue Tracker 132028 for more troubleshooting ideas.