Workpaper Properties dialog

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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The Workpaper Properties dialog enables you to view all information pertaining to a specific workpaper and designate the name and reference for the currently selected workpaper. You can also specify roll forward treatment of a workpaper, assign the workpaper to a specific staff member, track signoffs, and view the history of the current workpaper.

Highlight the document or workpaper in the Tree View window, press the F3 button, or right-click to open the context menu, and then choose Properties.

In the Workpaper Properties dialog you can do the following:

  • Designate the name and reference for the currently selected workpaper.
  • Specify roll forward treatment of a workpaper.
  • Assign the workpaper to a specific staff member.
  • Track, add, or remove signoffs.
  • View the history of the current workpaper.

Note: You cannot modify the properties for the selected workpaper if it is assigned to another team member in the current engagement.

Special information

  • Workpaper Signoff. Each signoff can only be used once per workpaper.
  • Engagement Signoff. All staff members have access to the signoff grid in the Engagement Properties dialog, and there is no required level of signoff in that dialog.
  • Workpaper Diagnostic Reports. These reports can be filtered by signoff type.
  • Engagement Wrap-up. The staff member who wraps up the engagement determines the level of review required for workpapers in a completed engagement. The Wrap Up wizard provides access to the Workpaper Diagnostic Reports for review.

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